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Monday, February 24, 2025


From today's Bulgaria, where old Communist State inequities merge with new Capitalist horrors, parallel stories of theft & free enterprize.  Margita Gosheva is calmly indomitable as the High School English teacher out to uncover a classroom thief, and at home, trying to come up with a loan payment to save the family house after being blind-sided by a husband who’s been pocketing the monthly payments she gives him to handle.  What follows is more Murphy’s Law than modern Job parable, though debuting married filmmakers Kristina Grozeva & Petar Valchanov might disagree.  But the series of financial disasters are real enough (a true story lurks behind ths) as Gosheva lowers herself again & again, to get thru the latest crisis.  (Interestingly, and no doubt accurately for Bulgaria, she never blames her spouse.)  Scooping coins out of a fountain to raise a couple of bucks embarrassing but benign; getting involved with a vicious, sexually depraved loan shark considerably scarier.  Yet I’d opt for her cheerful second employer (she does translating on the side) as the biggest prick.  The film, a big player on the International Fest Circuit, is highly accomplished if a bit overextended, but finds a trifecta of a finish: ironic; cynical; and, in its way, even Happy Ending-ish.

DOUBLE-BLL/LINK:  Grozeva & Valchanov would find just the pace & variety needed here in their next film GLORY/’16.

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