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Friday, September 13, 2024


The relative informality of child custody court and its unproportionally large consequences are the subject of writer/director Xavier Legrand’s granular study of the aftereffects of an unamicable divorce between superstore clerk Léa Drucker and hospital security agent Denis Ménochet.  Two kids are also involved, the 18-yr-old daughter, not much affected by the outcome, while a younger son, about 14, terrified of being alone with dad.  But is he really such an ogre?  Or has a resentful wife been systematically turning the kids against him.  Legrand lets us know the score quickly as Ménochet’s temper blows on a very short fuse and needs the smallest of slights to be activated.*  So the film lives or dies on observation, accurate details, bad timing and our belief in how domestic violence is the controlling factor; all of which Legrand develops to great effect and the sort of real life terror barely touched upon in genre horror films meant to do nothing but give you a quick scare.  Debuting non-pro Thomas Gioria as the boy (a shuttlecock between the parents) is especially terrific.  Haunting stuff here, top César award winner.

DOUBLE-BILL:  Originally planned as three short films, director Legrand expanded the last two parts into a single feature after making the first section in 2013 as AVANT QUE DE TOUT PERDRE; included on the KINO-Lorber DVD.  Legrand prefers you watch the prequel after the feature.  (Note the young son is played by a different actor in 2013.)

SCREWY THOUGHT OF THE DAY:  *As the bull-like dad, Denis Ménochet could give Robert De Niro lessons calibrating degrees of threat.  (Compare with THIS BOY’S LIFE/’93.)  Yet he’s even better, subtler, in the earlier film, shot when Ménochet was three years younger/twenty pounds lighter.  In the feature, his bulk tends to give the game away before he’s shown his hand.

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