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Monday, September 16, 2024


In 1976, top-tier production values and recognizable A-list talent (on both sides of the camera) made THE OMEN something of a game changer: gory R-rated horror fit for the mainstream.  (Take the grandparents!)  Unlike truly distinctive films lifting the genre (think ROSEMARY’S BABY/’68; THE EXORCIST/’73), OMEN thrived under director Robert Donner’s faceless professional competence, the sole unarguably great element Jerry Goldsmith’s slip-siding score.  So why a reboot?  (Other than hoping to restart a money-churning franchise.)  It’s adopted Devil Child plot surely played out, no?  But with artsy debuting director Arkasha Stevenson and a crepuscular haze o’er all of Rome (plot finesses to set action at a Catholic all-girls orphanage in 1971 Red Brigade Rome, and the percentage of English speakers hard to swallow), the smartest move flips narrative template from OMEN to ROSEMARY’S BABY.  More specifically, turning the plot into SISTER ROSEMARY’S BABY, impregnated for a fresh Demon Child who’ll scare the fading faithful back to church.*  And, in spite of too many someone’s-behind-your-back shocks and loads of Red Herrings (easy enough when all those Nuns look alike), the film largely hits its target.  Or will have if so-so grosses don’t stop a tipped sequel in its tracks.

ATTENTION MUST BE PAID/DOUBLE-BILL/LINK:  *They hold off bringing in the expected Jerry Goldsmith music cues till very near the end.  (And it still blows away anything else in here.)

SCREWY THOUGHT OF THE DAY:  *Accuracy would demand NOVITIATE ROSEMARY’S BABY.  But that’s not very catchy.

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