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Friday, June 7, 2024


Fans of Hong Kong director Johnnie To were less enthusiastic than usual on this violent/gory actioner.  And To’s next, CHASING DREAMS/’19 (not seen here) had a similar response.   (Is To slowing down as he nears 70?)  Best known Stateside for the intricately plotted gangland saga ELECTION, here To hardly bothers with plot and concentrates on situation.  Personal details and backstory barely touched on, so focus shifts from emotional involvement to kinetic technique which proves not too troublesome on such a short film.  (Sans end credits it’s only about 80 minutes.)  THREE presumably refers to our principals: Louis Koo’s Chief Inspector, Wei Zhao’s dedicated neurosurgeon, and Wallace Chung’s wild-card drama queen gangster.  (Chung stealing the pic.)  We’re inside an ultra-modern hospital the whole way as Chung is brought in after a shootout leaves him with a bullet in the brain.  He’s in pretty good condition, considering!, but that bullet has to come out before it moves or starts disintegrating.  Chung does what he can to put off any medical procedure, especially one that knocks him out with anaesthetic, till his gang has a chance to get him out of there.  Inspector Koo wants to bring him in as soon as he can (he also has the place hopping with plainclothes & uniformed police).  While Doctor Zhao insists on saving the guy with a delicate operation.  Lots of red herrings in neighboring hospital beds (all entertaining loonies) and boasting a cool, antiseptic production æsthetic.  But To’s eye is already on the final set piece when gangsters, cops and patients converge in a kinetically balletic/ballistic mega-battle.  Kinda gross, kinda exhilarating, kinda hilarious.  A full-reel finale of violence, bloodshed, and a kind of cartoonish Peckinpah grace To must have been hoping to achieve.  Empty calories?  Sure, but tasty.

DOUBLE-BILL/LINK:  As mentioned, ELECTION/’05.

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