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Wednesday, March 5, 2025


After major huzzahs for PADDINGTONs I and II (orphaned CGI bear finds his name at a London railway station and a loving new family nearby), a drop in quality was only to be expected.  And so it proved with PERU.  The verdict: pleasant, but no match.  But hold on.  Once past a Peruvian prologue and a slapsticky first act that’s more MR. BEAN than MR. BEAR, the film finds its footing when Paddington brings his human family down to Peru where a beloved Aunt has taken ill.  Or so he was told.  Turns out she’s not taken ill, she’s taken off!  Part of a dastardly plot to find the fabled Lost City (and gold) of El Dorado.  Now we’ve found the right path: devious plot by phony Nun, secret goals, villains in disguise/heroes in disguise, and a dangerous journey that nods at RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK/’81  (Only LAST CRUSADE/’89, third in that series, makes for a better INDY sequel than this.  Steven Spielberg pea green with envy.)  Plenty clever, plenty fun, and with a neat touch of suspenseful sentiment for the wrap.)  With most of the original players (the kids touchingly ten years grown), plus some new South American players, including a gamely deranged Antonio Banderas.  Is the film as good as PADDINGTON 2?  No.  But it’s good enough!  And boasting a great last minute cameo appearance by PADDINGTON 2 secret weapon Hugh Grant.


ATTENTION MUST BE PAID:  Considering how important marmalade is to Paddington, the writers ought to know they’ve got the wrong variety of oranges for a serious marmalade.  You want bitter fruit for marmalade.  Plus a shot of Scotch Whiskey.

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