A pet project of M-G-M’s Arthur Freed, it feels a decade older than its ‘52 release would indicate. Gay ‘90s NYC playboy (Fred Astaire) knows he’s fallen for Vera-Ellen’s mission girl since he’s walking on air, literally. Will he change his ways? And what will she do when she spots him trying to make an 'honest living' as a Singing Waiter? There’s charm, but not enough plot or energy to get us through the so-so Harry Warren/Johnny Mercer numbers. And the supporting players don’t register at all. Charles Walters helms smoothly and gets a distinctive look in many of the scenes (the Currier & Ives pageant and Fred’s big 'I Wanna Be a Dancing Man' numbo are superbly staged & edited), but it’s awfully wan stuff. Hard to believe the following year brought us THE BAND WAGON.
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