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Sunday, May 18, 2008


Three of the best actors around these days bring a real charge to writer/director Craig Lucas’s twisty Hollywood tale. Peter Sarsgaard is the ‘spec’ scripter who sells a sort of gay LOVE STORY to Hollywood studio honcho Campbell Scott under the proviso that the plot goes hetero & Sarsgaard go for Scott. Patricia Clarkson is Scott’s wife, a writer manque, who makes a quick friend of Sarsgaard, but accidentally uncovers her husband’s bi tryst as she gabs with Sarsgaard on a gay chat room using an internet pseudonym. The next time she logs on, she’s playing at being Sarsgaard’s deceased lover and things escalate from there. The film starts well with Campbell Scott in particular nailing the whole Hollywood power shtick (he’s scarily welcoming), but halfway thru Lucas stops trusting his characters’ hold on us and goes all Lillian Hellman, letting his little foxes run wild. Check out the slightly extended alternate ending which at least follows things to their proper conclusion.

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